My Coworker Is Leaving Her Shift

Dear JJ,
I just found out the other supervisor I work (she works the nights I don’t) with is giving her pager to one of the staff to answer while she leaves the facility for another job.  We are peers, she doesn’t report to me nor I to her. What do I do?  

Dear Abandoned,
In reading between the lines, I have the feeling that you and this person were probably staff together before both of you were promoted and you don’t want her to lose her job.  So, let me address this concern first.  Talk to her:  Ask her why this is happening.  Raise your concern.  Request that she make a change in this behavior; that is stop doing it.  You need to also let her know if she doesn’t stop you will need to escalate your concern. Additionally, provide a timeline for the behavior to stop before you tell your boss or human resources.
Now, let’s talk about you.  Someone confided in your because they respect you and or your position.  Other staff know this is inappropriate and actually just WRONG behavior.  Not only is she endangering those she is charged with supervising and whatever your company does, but if she is getting paid for work she is not doing, she is defrauding the company.  And guess what?   Now you know it and as such you are now enabling these wrongdoings.    Trust me, whoever told you has told other people he/she has told you so now, it is out in the open that you know.  People are watching, now is the time, to get her to stop or report her.    Best of luck.  I’m interested in knowing how this works out.  Please let me know.

