My Boss Wants Me Gone

Dear JJ,
I know my boss has targeted me, he has told other people he wants me gone.  What do I do?  


Dear Banished-
So how stable is your boss’s position?  Do you have a special knowledge of skill set that may be critical to the operation of the business? What is your relationship like with your boss’s boss, if there is one?   Answers to these questions may drive your next steps…
Generally if your boss wants you to go and he is an established part of the business, well-liked by others, you are in trouble.   All is not lost however, because as you develop an active Plan B (that means actively looking for another position/job) you could:
  1. Approach your boss with what you have heard (try to be general and not throw anyone else under the bus) and ask if there is something he would like you to do differently.  Be careful with your language here, don’t be threatening or hostile, you might want to practice with someone (outside the company).  This meeting may be painful, but it could also be a learning opportunity for growth at this company or your next one.  
  2. Approach your boss on more general terms, if you have noted a change in his approach to you or if you have never gotten along well- tell him you are dedicated to your job, the company and him (if you can honestly say these things) and you want all parties to success – what does he see that looking like?  
Be prepared, this might result in a perfect time for him to let you go or it could be a time to change the current course.  It has been my experience it is much better to know what is going on than to have what awful feeling- but again, don’t be foolish, have a Plan B in your back pocket.
If your boss is in a position that is less than stable and you have been there longer, have special skills or knowledge you might want to just wait him out.  Keep our head down and keep doing a great job.   Only you know what is better for you.
You can always go to Human Resources, but they will talk to your boss, so that’s why I recommend going directly to your boss.  If he is feeling even a little threatened by you, going to HR will put him over the edge.
If Mr. Boss is talking to others in the company about you, he may be new at this boss thing and he may be threatened by you- see if you can demonstrate your value to him by helping him with a project or providing him background information or a historical perspective on the company that might help him.  Note, this is not telling him old gossip or talking about others, stick to facts, not opinions.
Focus on the work.  Best of luck, and let me know what happens.

