I'm Not As Successful As My Coworkers

Dear JJ,
I’m part of a direct sales group.  We are all women and we are very close and supportive of each other.  I’m relatively new and can only work this business part time, as I have 4 children and another part time job.  I find myself constantly comparing myself to the other more successful women.  It makes me want to quit, but I really like these women and the product we sell.  How can I stop making these upsetting comparisons?
Not as Good

Dear Good,
Having been a part of direct sales groups, you are blessed to be with a group that is supportive.  I bet none of them are looking down at you, they are probably impressed with what you can do.  You are new at this, you have a full-time job raising children and a part time job.  Be nice to yourself, be patient.  You need to have a plan and work your plan that will make you successful. Nothing worth having happens overnight. I suggest the following initial steps and if you have already done these, then you are well on your way.  It takes time.
  1. Everyone’s business looks differently.  Everyone has a different reason or WHY for doing their business. Focus on that Why and let it drive your progress.
  2. Be sure you know how the compensation plan works.  Take time to think about each step and how you can make money in each of the ways your company allows.  Don’t leave money on the table especially at first. Ask questions of these ladies who are in your business.  I know you have a direct leader, but also look around at other women whom you admire and ask them to mentor you.   Be sure you are willing to listen and put in the work if these ladies take their time to work with you.
  3. Set goals, write them down and tell someone else your goals.  There are all kinds of statistics that outline how much more likely we are to be successful if we set, write and share our goals. Make your goals achievable, especially in the beginning.  And having a goal is not enough, you must have a plan to reach those goals.   It sounds like this is going to take forever, it doesn’t 10-15 minutes at the most.  You know what you want.
  4. Lastly, work that plan, do at least one thing every day, no matter how large or small to work toward your goals.  
  5. Don’t be afraid to dream big, nothing will happen with self-limiting talk/thoughts.  Find someone who believes in you and let them be your Encourager.  There is a lot of talk about accountability, but we can do that for ourselves….I think at this stage you need someone to encourage you.
  6. And do NOT compare yourself to others.  Compare yourself to yourself over time.   What did you do better this week than you did the week before?

I could go on forever.   Keep in touch…. You can do it!   
