My Coworker Reeks Of Smoke

Dear JJ,
One of my co-workers is a heavy smoker, her clothes, purse, hair, everything reeks of smoke.  She doesn’t take extra breaks or stay gone too long, but when she comes back in the building need to hold my breath. What do I do or say to her?  
Gas Mask

Dear Gas Mask.
I sympathize with your situation, does your company have a dress code?  Sometimes within that dress code will be rules about heavy fragrances, often this refers to perfume or cologne, but this can also reference the ‘fragrance’ of smoke.  See if there is some formal rule that might help you.   If you have any medical conditions such as asthma or COPD that is made worse by smoke, this might be a situation your company would need to address to accommodate you.
Here are a couple of less official approaches you could take:
  1. I tend to think honestly works the best, let her know that the residual smoke makes you cough or makes it harder to breathe.  Say it with this lightest tough, be kind and factual.  See if she has ideas on how to address it.
  2. While you're at it, you might ask her if there is anything about you that bothers her.
  3. Is there another location in your workspace where she could store her purse, coat or other things she isn’t wearing?
  4. Can you utilize some type of air freshener, a plugin or candle on a warmer or diffuser?
  5. You can always fall back on ‘talking to the boss’.  
It has always been my position everyone has a right to do what they want UNTIL it interferes with the rights of others, and her right to smoke interferes with your right to breath clean, fresh air.
With that said, I heard something just this week that might help all of us in similar situations:  “It’s not about the smoker, it’s about the smoke”.  I know that one sentence has helped me to not demonize the person, just the adverse effects of their habit.

Hope this helps and let us know how this turns out.   
