My Coworker Was Just Let Go

Dear JJ,
A lady I work with was just let go.  No one knows the circumstances, only rumors.  We weren’t close, but always were friendly and worked well together.  Should I contact her?  


Dear Saddened,
YES, is the simple answer.  I have had this happen to me and I have just experienced a similar situation to which you describe.  You can text a message, send a card, but the best thing to do is call her.  If she doesn’t pick up, please leave a message.   These contacts from co-workers are critical during the first few days of shock after you are let go.   She may or may not want to talk, but knowing that you cared enough to reach out will mean a lot.   
Often as part of a separation from the organization the ‘terminated’ person is not allowed to discuss the reasons.  But she/he can sure talk about either next steps if they are ready or that or they can talk about how they feel about the situation or even to reminisce or tell stories about the good old days at work.  Take the lead from your former colleague.  
Also be sure of your motives, if, it is to find out the scoop, don’t contact them.   However, if your motives are really to provide support and comfort, do not hesitate to reach out.  It will mean so much to that person in this time of trauma….. and that is exactly what it is, trauma, especially if the person had been with the organization for a long time.
If you want to tell your other co-workers you talked to your former co-worker, that’s fine, but limit the content to a few words, do not recall the entire conversation.  “I called Betty over the weekend, she is still in shock, but doing ok.”   That should suffice.   

I would love to hear what others have done to support recently terminated co-workers. Let me know what you have done in the comments below!
