Non-Business Expenses

Dear JJ,
I work for a small family owned business, but only the owner and her son, who now runs the company are ‘family’.  I am responsible for the paying the bills.   It is pretty clear that the owner and her son run expenses through the business that are not actual business expenses.  What should I do?  Will we get caught?
Signed, Bill Payer
Dear Bill Payer,
I’m not an attorney nor an accountant, so I suggest you get some advice to ensure what you think you are seeing is in actuality a problem….. maybe it isn’t.   However, if you are currently uncomfortable, and you believe your bosses are not just making errors by passing these expenses through their business, then you might want to take a couple of approaches:
  1. Ask for a change in duties, ask for that part of your job, unless that is your only job, to be reassigned.
  2. You could let your boss (the one you work the most closely with) know you are uncomfortable with these practices and why…. Dangerous - you are pretty much calling them cheaters at this point.
  3. Look for another job.  Do not stay in a situation that puts your integrity and your legal standing in jeopardy.

Could you call the police or other drastic actions?  You could, but I wouldn’t unless on the advice of an attorney.   Best of luck and you deserve to work for better folks.  
